Are you motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes?
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Weight loss depends on eating healthy, lower calorie foods and including physical activity in your daily routine. Do you have a plan to do this?
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Whether it's better health, improved appearance, feeling better or some other reason, is something motivating you to undertake these changes?
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Are you dealing with major life events, such as marital problems, job stress, illness or financial worries? (If so, give your life a chance to calm down before you launch your weight-loss program.)
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Do you have a realistic picture of how much weight you'll lose and how quickly? Make sure your weight-loss goal is safe and realistic.
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Do you have emotional issues connected to your weight? Anger, stress and grief can trigger emotional eating. Talk to your doctor or a mental health provider, if needed.
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Do you have support and accountability? Having someone to offer encouragement can help. If you don't have friends or loved ones you can rely on for help, consider joining a weight-loss support group.
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Have you embraced the weight-loss challenge? If you don't have a positive attitude about losing weight, you might not be ready. Try to embrace the vision of your new lifestyle and remain positive.
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