Motivation: Bringing Out the Best

Posted Feb 18, 2020


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What motivates you? Learn about inspiring theories of motivation and how they help you in your work and personal lives. This is a chance for you to examine what gets you going!  

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James Francis: Hello everyone, welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome to today's presentation. My name is James Francis, I will be your presenter for today. And it is my absolute pleasure to be able to speak with all of you on such an important topic, especially in today's climate of consistent change and challenges. Organizations are definitely starting to understand the importance and the effects of positive motivation. And how bringing out the best not only in ourselves, but also in others can become a valuable asset, it should become a valuable asset. So today I am speaking to you all on behalf of Beacon Health Options and I always remind our employees to take advantage if you are not familiar with the resources that not only you have but also your family members, please do so. Please do so is a wonderful, wonderful asset.

And although I am unable to speak with all of you face-to-face, I am still encouraging each and every one of you to participate throughout. It is a large group today, which is amazing. Please use your chat function, you can respond to all participants or you can reach out to me specifically as a meeting host and I will read your questions anonymously. Okay. Although I will certainly leave time at the end of today's seminar for Q&A. I always like to incorporate back and forth and feedback throughout. If you have a question on slide number two, odds are you may not remember 45 to 50 minutes later. So any questions, any comments, any wonderful stories you may have in regards to this topic, please feel free to share, please do so.

And with that, but to ask you all the question, what is something currently that frustrates you in the workplace that you may feel that may need a fresh start or a new idea of sorts? What are some things that are currently occurring in the workplace you feel may need a fresh idea, a fresh thought? And mind you these do not have to be earth shattering ideas. All right, I always remind that the most simplistic of changes can go a long way okay, the most simplistic of changes. So you can use your chat function and reach out to myself the meeting host personally, or you can share to everyone to all participants.

Someone says, "Uncertainty of department status and new vision for Garnet." Anyone else? Thank you for sharing. Anyone else? What are some frustrating things going on currently in which you feel me need a new idea? Someone says, "We're working in an integrated way between FIS and Worldplay environment Worldpay environments pardon me. Someone also says, "People who are not motivated to improve their performance." I love that. "Constant change, lack of exciting challenges at work, short staffed in departments." Oh, I'm going to remember these, and I'm going to comment on them later on. I want to give my example and once again, it's sounds very simplistic, but over time I've seen major growth and change.

Start and ending of meetings. I remember earlier in my career even now you may have an assigned meeting for 30 minutes, for 60 minutes, possibly longer and we're done in let's say 20 minutes. Now what? Do we begin to make up Q&A to fill in that void? Or do we stop the training and meeting and let everyone go? Minuscule change but great motivation for some, because the 10 or the 12 minutes I'm able to get back are priceless. They're certainly priceless. Someone also says, "I would like to be challenged to grow and to motivate others. I do not like getting into a stagnant position that never changes." Someone else says, "Rewarding employees through frustration," okay through frustration, and these are all certain challenges that we will discuss individually, and thank you for sharing I truly appreciate that.

What are some of the objectives from today? From remembering creativity is the nature of doing something new. Whether it's a new idea, it's a new concept or even a message, all right? Those are important things to remember, when we're speaking about innovation and creativity. And someone says, "Getting behind in work, that is always a huge challenge for all." We will discuss the definition of both motivation, as well as being innovative in theories and then how can we go from theory to practice? From theory to practice? We can sit for hours on end discussing wonderful ideas moving forward, strategies, techniques, we're going to find ways to grow and be challenged. But it was simply stating what we want to do with no plan of action? The odds are it will never work. It will never work.

I always say when we're speaking about goals, "They sound tremendous but what's the plan? What is the plan we have?" A goal without a plan is simply a good idea. And take it from me I've had plenty of them in my life and career. So we're going to discuss how we move from actual theories and ideas to practice.

Thinking like a child. What do you all think we mean in this regard? Think like a child, what do you think we mean by this? What do you think we mean by thinking like a child? Creativity. Absolutely. What else? What else? Thinking like a child, being curious, thinking outside the box, thinking positively, open and non judgmental, keeping it simple, asking why. And all of these things in which you guys are listing, is interesting how we implore children to do these things, right? We want our young children to do these things. But as we grow older, and over time, things tend to change. Things tend to change.

Someone says, "Thank you, you could do anything." You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. I am lucky enough to be a father of 28 year old girls and I'm telling you, they feel they can take on the world right now. And it's a wonderful thing, it's a wonderful trait not being afraid of being shy. Honest interactions. Absolutely. So that all the incorporation, no barriers. I love that one as well. That is exactly what we mean by thinking like a child but once again, it's very easy to say, but that challenge and change within ourselves becomes the difficult part. And nearly every choice and decision in our lives are made by who? That's right, ourselves, all right? So we must challenge ourselves and have that honest self-assessment moving forward. Then we will share stories from motivation to innovation. Hopefully from each other as well, we will certainly do that and wrap up from there.

The definition of motivation, simply states encouraging yourself or someone else to get to a better place. While, innovation read the creation of something new. Okay, now the true journey is how do we move from motivation to innovation? And things it seems very easy to say, "Oh, I want to be an innovative. I want to innovate." But it feels like going over the Niagara Falls in a barrel. Like you leaving everything you know behind, you're looking behind like, "What in the world am I doing? I'm about to visit chaos." That is the feeling when you leading to innovation. A few people say they're not seeing comments from others. That's because they are sending to me privately and I'm reading the questions out anonymously. So we have the choice to send the questions and comments to me as the host, or you can send them to everyone and so far they've been all private. So you're still fine you're in here. You're just not able to see those comments.

Okay, as I mentioned leading innovation may seem easy, but it may also be a ride towards chaos. And that is fine, that is perfectly fine because to innovate is to intentionally let go of "the way things were" or how we used to do things. But we need to welcome the way they could be. It's a very big difference to begin to embrace not knowing. Embrace not knowing moving forward and be adaptive to change. I'm going to ask all of you right now, how well do you adapt to change? And keep in mind this may not simply be a workplace issue or question. How well are we adapting the change in life? Ask yourself that. How well do you adapt to change in general?

It's interesting as someone says thank you for sharing, "It depends on the situation." Absolutely. That's fair. That is certainly fair. Very well, but with complaining, okay. Listen, we all have work to do, this is a judge free zone. That's fine. Thank you for sharing, "Adapting very well been doing it my whole life." I love to hear that. I love to hear that because that's a person better now than in the past adapting my whole life. "I adapt well when I can control it, but less well when I do not have control over the situation." That's a very realistic thing and it's a different concept and different topic, but I also want to remind you all control what you can control.

It is no reason you're not helping yourself, you're not growing by stressing out over things that are totally out of your control. Okay, so keep that in mind. But I want to go back to one of your colleague's comments. "I'm adapting very well been doing it my entire life." That comes to a huge thing in which we're creatures of habit and I'm sure that just habitual progress and procedures throughout life, throughout change has helped him to this day to this position. Okay, so being adaptive to change and for some, change, new ideas and new processes they somehow equate to being wrong. They somehow, pardon me equate to being wrong. Now been different, or viewing things different or new ideas should never equate to being wrong and that's a big challenge was for some.

James, I've been doing this for 10, 15 years now. No need to change. No need to change. Encourage it. I remember early in my career I had plenty of organizational ideas, but I felt I was never encouraged or even thought my ideas will be taken seriously. I would hear no problem, James. I understand, but we'll take it from here. We'll keep these processes as they are. But I can tell you, new ideas should certainly be welcomed even if they may not be complored, complied, excuse me. They should certainly be welcomed by all. All right. Someone says, "I rise up to the change. Sometimes I may complain about it but I eventually think my way through it and end up rising above the change challenge, whether it's life, hobby, school, exercise, health, work, family, et cetera. All of these scenarios."

And I challenge you to be a mentor, be a mentor within the organization. Because just like negative attributes, positivity can be contagious as well. So those are great. I'm glad to see how you rise up to the change. And someone says, I love this. "Life is too short to fight, change and stay stagnant. Enjoy as many experiences as possible." Absolutely. And for me, I always attempt to view the big picture. View the long term picture, instead of the daily challenges you may have. It may totally assist, it may help. Okay. So there are needs and reasons to work hard. I'm going to ask you all what are some of your self-motivators? What motivates you less? What are some of your motivational factors personally?

Personally, what are some of your motivational factors? Anyone? I know right now it is certainly helps and I love these challenges making a difference, goal attainment, the end result, the ability to help others, families, taking care of family, family especially my son, job satisfaction, money, my family, all of the above. Absolutely. Helping people and these are all wonderful, wonderful motivating factors. I love this one, not letting my friends family or coworkers down, making a difference. My challenge for those who do not listen, thank you all who shared. Do these things consistent. We certainly are looking for consistency throughout and it helps. As we're more consistent, these things become habitual and now you're doing them as a natural occurrence. You're not attempting to be motivational it's simply who you are. I tend to look at myself that way. We're not intentionally trying to help others, it's just something that I do. It's just something that I do. Thank you all for sharing.

Now, it's time to discuss a few motivational theories but prior to that I even heard a few people tell me through years past, "I'm not really the innovative type. Not the innovative type. I don't really think outside the box that much." But you can be if you can be if you feeling as if you're not motivational or you have no innovation within you truly do. Truly do. It's not as if it's an ask to learn to play an instrument by tomorrow. Absolutely not. This should never be seen as a light switch event or light switch change. It will be a process. It will certainly be a process and each and every one of us should look at it that way. This is a process.

Let's discuss a few motivational theories. First, the Hawthorne effect and it's also referred to as the Observer effect. And it speaks towards recognition. It's the idea that people simply work better and harder when they are recognized. And gratitude certainly goes a long way. It speaks towards security and the sense of belonging, being more important than physical conditions. Being a part of the group or part of the team, having that security, sense of gratitude, even a simple Good morning. Thank you. Thank you, Denise, for helping me today. Things like that they tend to go a long way in the workplace. And if you think about it, how often would your team members or management ... they'll be more willing to help if you're consistently being recognized, and also recognizing others and showing gratitude. And gratitude goes up and down the ladder. Okay, this will be up and down the ladder.

Next will be Herzberg and he differentiated between factors and motivators. So motivators are long term effects. Wow factors are simply short-lived and it states that there are certain motivators in the workplace that cause job satisfaction. While there are different factors that cause dissatisfaction, and both are extremely separate from each other. They're separate from each other. Next and we will speak about this at length, Abraham Maslow and his Motivation and Personality theory. And this basis is that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs and lower level factors must be satisfied before we move on. This is a theory which compromises a five tier model of human needs, often depicted within a pyramid as we certainly see here. And here we break down Maslow's hierarchy of needs. We break down that of needs. And interestingly enough each theory discussed previously were introduced generations ago.

Not too worse through someone says, ?Will you go into more detail about motivation versus factors? Absolutely, I may so let's say currently my dissatisfaction with maybe internally with one of my team members. One of my team members maybe not pulling up his or her share of the pie. That more than likely will be a short term issue as far as motivation on the other side, will be my family. That will be my daughters maybe my wife and the goals I have for myself moving forward. That is a huge motivational factor. Excuse me a huge motivator, while a short term factor may be an issue I may have within the organization. And that's really the key kind of differences between the two.

Any other questions? You're very welcome. And also very large group. Any other questions you may have before we move forward to Maslow? Great. So it certainly starts from the bottom up with the physiological factors. And all of these things listed are needed to sustain life. We need these all to sustain life from water to food to breathing, to sleep. These are all essential and key factors we have and once we have secured those then we can move up to our security level, the feeling of safety. We can focus on safety and security from a physical and even an emotional harm all right? So security of body, employment, morality, the family, health as well.

Then moving up to the interacting with others from friendship to family, to sexual intimacy that feeling of love and belonging, not just receiving it but also giving it as well. Then things change a bit, we move up to the esteem portion of self-esteem and confidence, achievement, respect of others, and respect from others as well. I always like to make a brief comment on respect. "Will these slides be provided after the presentation?" Yes, you certainly can inquire Absolutely. I was mentioning respect, respect is something that should be reciprocated by every party at 100%. I should never be a person walking into a room or manager and demand respect from everyone else, but not willing to reciprocate that respect at 100%. So, be very careful with that.

Then the final level and as needs are met, our motivational factors continues to grow. Right, they certainly continue to grow. But yet growth does not need to stem from a lack of something, rather a desire to have it and to grow as a person. So these things are certainly lifted as it should be seen and viewed as personal growth. And once these growth needs have been reasonably satisfied, we can say we've reached the level of self- actualization. That's the highest level where we speaking about morality, creativity, problem-solving, being spontaneous, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts. That's the highest level. And every person is certainly capable and has a desire to move up the hierarchy.

But unfortunately, progress may be altered, shifted. I always keep a quote, and it says, I always remind people "Life happens." Life happens, and that's positive and negative. From divorce to job loss, to possible death of a loved one. I know me personally last February and March, I tragically lost two of my brothers. So life certainly happened and from there ... so not everyone will move through in a uni-directional manner. You may not go straight up to the morality and creativity field. There may be bumps in a road, we may fluctuate a bit back and forth throughout these hierarchy of needs, but that is normal. That is certainly normal. And we are not alone and with this I also like to remind people that remain humble as we do not know everything about everything. With experience in life and professional we may feel better at times, but remember big ideas come from the ideas and thought of many people. I would like to say I know a lot about a few things, but I would never want to simply work and be around people who just have the same thought processes that I do.

I like to be around new people with new processes and new perspectives on life. Those are great things to me. Those are truly great things to me. So as the amount of interaction between people increases, so does their inventiveness. And it's certainly difficult to be innovative when you're isolating yourself. Try to negate the silos and I am guilty of this at times I certainly have to remind myself to ... I kind of tell myself swing the door open, get others perspectives and ideas. You're not alone at this and you'll be surprised. Intelligence alone in isolation is not enough to reap ideas. Because how would you do so? How would you certainly do so? Or you do not have to reinvent things that become part of the human experience. We're all professionals, we all certainly here for a reason. No one has gotten to this level by accident. It can be a simple tweak and or adjustment to cause an unbelievable amount of change. Because I'm always excited about the positive ideas within my group, and even small victories they're still wins. Although their minor victory they're still wins.

I remember some years ago, a colleague of mine and at the time she had a very hard time with a new system in which we had to maneuver her through. And she was a wonderful employee, she was a hard worker, but I knew this was taken its toll on her at the time. And through meetings and recommendations, it was a simple change that changed everything for her. And it was adding a new screen, instead of going back and forth three or four times to retrieve records or what have you. She would have her email on one and everything else on other screen. And it seems simplistic now, right? I promise you it was a groundbreaking to her at a time. She used to remind me I saved her career, as she felt the acute stress leading towards burnout and it helped her.

So work in teams, really create and share ideas amongst each other. They can go a long way, it certainly can. And example with the camera pill. Anyone familiar with the camera pill? Anybody familiar? This is for those who are not ... this allows doctors to actually view stomach ailments. Is a wonderful invention and it was invented by two people, two gentlemen, a gastrointestinal doctor and a guided missile designer. So we're talking about two absolute, opposites, side of the spectrum, but they came together through I'm sure a lot of creative thought, idea processes and they created the camera pill. So you are certainly not alone in your everyday and the things you do.

How do we translate from these theories to practices? How do we motivate yourself? And it starts with, we must know what makes us tick, right? And a lot of you mentioned certain motivating factors you have within yourself and in your life. And those are wonderful things but be consistent and everything you listed there so far anyway, they were positive. Motivating factors, they may not always be positive but you can use things in a positive way. Allow the stressful factors to motivate you, that's exactly what I do. If you have I'm sure ... I have not met any one of the nearly 300 people on this call, but I certainly know we have one thing in common. Stress.

Stress at some point we all feel stressed out. Now what I always like to ask this, who are the only people who are not stressed out? Can anyone tell me that? Who are the only people who are not stressed? You're absolutely right. Someone says children that's a good guess right? My children seem to get stressed. The deceased. Absolutely. Those who have passed, someone says the unborn. I like that. Someone says those who have won the Mega Millions or Powerball. And that's what I would think right? Until you do a bit of research and realize how unhappy these people become within a year. But I think I'm with you, I'll take my chances. And someone said, "I think it is normal to have stress, but it's how you deal with it." It's how you deal with it and you are absolutely correct and I ... yes is what makes the difference. Because anything can be viewed as stress. I've had people become extremely stressed out in the workplace because their phone is ringing, because the printer is too loud, have too many things to fax. To me I'd laugh. I laugh at that because that's not stress to me but to him or her that can possibly stress you out to a 10.

Once again I try to incorporate my work stresses and creative into a positive aspects to motivate me. I set daily goals for myself to get things done. So, know what makes me tick is important, it's truly is important. And once again, this is a reminder, it does not always need to become a positive motivating factor. Develop determination and willpower and once again these things are produced by consistency, there certainly will not be a "one off" type of thing. But it can be a learned and developed asset for yourself. For some people it's always the uphill battle. It's always the glass half empty mentality. My glass is half full and I mentioned earlier, the things truly start with ourselves. So developing the determination and willpower to get things done. It must start with ourselves and for some, of course is more difficult than others. But initially taking that first step to decide, you know what, James, you're right. I'm going to get started today. That's where it starts and it's more difficult to do that than taking the easy road and say, "I don't have too much willpower." And that's it.

Also go into motivational mode. And I love these ideas because I certainly practice them, watch motivational movies, read motivational books, listen to motivational songs. For me, I'm a music and movie buff. So I have my go-tos. I certainly have my go-tos is one of my go-to movies and it's about 10 I think it's maybe 15 years old now, it was with the actor Will Smith The Pursuit of Happiness. When I'm thinking I'm having a tough day, a tough week, or tough month, I will watch The Pursuit of Happiness and it will bring me right back to reality instantaneously. All right. So whatever works for you, whatever works for you. And I think it's certainly like someone says, it depends on the situation but truly whatever works, and what can you do to make your work and life easier? What can you do to make not only work, but your life easier? Any suggestions? Because I certainly have a major one. Any suggestions? How can you guys make your work and life a bit easier? Anyone?
I know one idea I have for you guys is try not to overwhelm yourselves with the large change dynamic in the workplace. Think small, because they often have great long term value. Oh, and I love this for sharing. Better communication, organized. Someone goes right back, win the Powerball. Absolutely. "Ask for help." That is tremendous. Asking for help and being able to delegate to others, better communication, getting a good night's sleep, staying organized, meditating, one thing at a time, taking a break. I love taking a break. Because people usually say "James, I don't have time to do anything."

Really? It's interesting. Because more often times than not we are making time for anything and everyone else except ourselves. Think about it. You make time you will not miss a meeting. You will get to work on time. Our reports will be done on time. But yet you cannot curve out 10 to 15 minutes for yourself. I love this one. "Take time to sharpen the saw." Love it. Someone says, "Leaving on time." Taking five minutes and focus on belly breathing, your stress will go right down. Absolutely. And I love what you said you never said your stress will disappear. It will lower to a reasonable factor and that should be the goal. All right? That should certainly be the goal. Setting boundaries, saying no more often you're tying into a lot of different presentations with that wonderful thing. And learning how to say no. All right.

Automated bill paying, that is something that I do constantly. And it certainly does help because now it takes the factor of, "Oh, James, I forgot." No, no forgetting that way. Absolutely. And the last one I will share is starting your day off with something positive. This person likes a good workout in the morning before work. That's my exercise as well. All right, the times in which you may hit that snooze button, stop doing so. Because what we're doing is we're cheating ourselves of precious time. I have to remind my wife of that all the time that she consistently hits the snooze button, but yet says she doesn't have time for certain things. Those are precious minutes that I wish I had, to do something and incorporate things that you enjoy to do. So that's certainly something that can make your life and work better. Because all of these things that you've added and shared they translate into the workplace, our work and our lifestyle outside of the four walls, they tend to go more hand in hand than you can expect, then you've truly realized. Because I know myself when I'm having a wonderful day at work. I'm not going to walk into my house and become angry. It's the exact opposite. It continues, it's consistent. That's how humans are. That's how we really live and tend to work. It's important to realize that.

And then secondly, motivating others. Make it known that your employees ideas matter. Make it known. How you doing so? How you in making it known that everyone ideas certainly matter? And or if you're an employee, what would you like done to make sure that your ideas actually matter? Any ideas? Any ideas? How can we make it known that ideas do matter in the workplace? I can tell you, you have to look no further than clicking right below that bullet. Someone says, "Asking their opinion." An important one is taking time to listen. Listening not dismissing an idea. Someone said, "Listening and assigning question," excuse me asking questions. Being open and honest. Listening is a huge form of communication. Being able to communicate is not simply me speaking for 45 minutes straight. It's the ability to listen and actively listen, okay? And ask yourself how well Am I doing this? How well you listening? I may have a meeting with someone and he or she is speaking to me. And if I'm going back and forth to an email, or I'm picking up my phone, constantly checking texts or doing whatever I'm doing, I am not actively listening.

And it can be a challenge because people may figure they're listening, but also multitasking. So actively listening, do not dismiss an idea. Because more often times than not, people simply want to be heard. Believe it or not, people simply want to be heard. I love this one, "Respect and care." You know, if you're not practicing empathy, please do so. It is not listed here but in order to motivate others people always watching within an organization. So certainly incorporate empathy with your team and teammates and colleagues and try brainstorming. Whether this is formal and informal. Allow people to really jot down their ideas and challenge employee to improve the operation. So put the onus in his or hers hands. What are the good ideas you're bringing to the table? And now how can we move forward?

Someone says, "Let managers know positive tasks of employees, include them on the email or mention them during a meeting." And you know that goes back to the mention of gratitude, being gracious. That's exactly what the Hawthorne effect was speaking towards. The idea that people do work better when being recognized, and it does not have to be monetary. Recognition and gratitude, attention can be done in numerous ways. The other way to motivate others having an idea book, to capture new ideas, and this is great for me I use my smartphone. If I think of something I will go right into my notes field and add notes or I even send a message to my wife, so I will not forget at time. All right, have a great idea if I'm on a train or I'm driving or what have you, I'll send it out. Because I will forget within five to 10 minutes. It could be a wonderful, wonderful idea.

So that you certainly do so, implement these strategies and practices moving forward and as we spoke about earlier, begin to think like a child as innovation is a playful process. Attempt to wipe the slate clean and get into that childlike mindset. And even if you want a challenges, you're in the picture of your problem, or your stressor. Drawing in a photo or even a diagram to try to think outside the box. Study the photo and let your mind run free with ideas in order to rectify and move forward with the challenge. Or look at situations from various directions and perspective. For me I try to incorporate someone whom I value their opinion, professionally or personally and ask them his or her perspective on things. Thinking outside the box, it may be a bit more strenuous for yourself. So ask others whom you respect their opinions. Different perspectives can really open your mind as well. It truly can.

And some motivational leads so all of us ... I'm sure many of us are familiar with TED Talks. For those of us who are not, they are brilliant, brilliant online, mini discussions. I want to recommend the one to all of you guys. And it speaks about the art of innovation and it is Guy Kawasaki, right? This is a 20 minute TED Talk. You can find this on YouTube so you can certainly view and or listen while walking, while exercising, while taking a ride in your car. And it truly, truly is mind blowing. Simply 20 minutes on a TED Talk, The Art of Innovation.

So what products were created from these innovative ideas? First, the 3M scientists discover some sticky stuff in 1963, which was not used to this church choir singer wanted a way to prevent this bookmark from slipping from the hymnal. Of course these were Post-it. Okay, these were Post-it. The next product was invented by a woman who had a need for a clothing stain remover while traveling on the road. Sounds very simplistic, right? This is the tie pin. And lastly, this fastener was discovered while a man walking through the woods was annoyed and amazed by the tenacious way burrs would stick to his clothing. This invented Velcro. Thank you for sharing. Thank you. I appreciate that. I was going to share at the end you saved me a bit.

And, please begin to foster the environment of imagination and acceptable risk. And keep the what-ifs in the play. What if we made the big change? What if we were actually moving forward in being innovative in our industry? Relax when things seem a bit out of whack. That is normal and certainly part of the process and I don't think it will be skipped. It will not be skipped. But focus the team to move towards these innovative ideas, move towards being creative, continuing to share them openly throughout and allow the innovation to be put to work. Not just stated, but actually put to a process.

A few more stories here. Bette Nesmith Graham shortly after world war two ended, found herself divorced with a small child to support. She learned shorthand and typing as an executive secretary. So the better way to correct typing errors, she created this product using her kitchen blender, which is white out. And lastly, a pie plate was used in this other creative and recreational way. This was actually the invention of the Frisbee and as leaders and non-leaders we must certainly not only introduce the mentality, but also work intensely with our teams. You really should be leaders and take people to the finish line. I mentioned people always watching, they're always listening and paying attention. I know earlier my career, I was a sponge with upper management and those who have been there for extended amount of time. So really implement that culture, the culture of innovation and working consistently on this as we'll actually find the next big idea. Do not limit yourself do not allow yourself to be closed minded to certain things.

You will be surprised and what I did with a team of mine and they were different generations in different cultures. And it was amazing test I always remember this. They both had wonderful ideas into play but in the ways in which to get to the finish line, were vastly different. So I wanted to put them together so it can just write everything out, even have heated discussions, that is fine. Because at the end of the day, I truly felt the respect was created over time and they begin to really understand each other's perspectives. And that should certainly be the goal. That's the way to innovate people that certainly lead from motivation to innovation, and the best time with any tip or strategy or technique that we've discussed when we all get started or I should say when should we all get started with any tip or strategy from today?

Right away. Right away. Don't go back at saying, "You know what, James? Next quarter that'll be great." Absolutely not. You should really have a plan to execute starting within the next hour. So with that, thank you all for joining me today. Once again, my name is James Francis, I've been your speaker. Thank you so much for joining me today. Have a wonderful, wonderful week. Thank you.  





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